2012年2月28日 星期二

Iran trip

Tehran Thought the Iranian capital Tehran, the original is quite a beautiful city, crowded behind the building is a covered with snow, snow-capped mountains.
Maybe it was just lucky enough to encounter a fair-weather day, travelers generally the impression of Tehran are a little pandemonium. In fact Tehran's most prominent feature may be busy and crazy traffic on the road, the working hours of the Tehran Metro I understand what is meant by "pin Nothing".

德黑蘭(Tehran):巴列維皇宮(Sa'd Abad Museum)
Pahlavi Imperial Palace (Sa `d Abad, Museum)Pahlavi Imperial Palace in northern Tehran, an area of ​​104 hectares, away from the hustle and bustle within the multi-shaded lawn, a number of palaces scattered which. The Pahlavi dynasty, after the overthrow of the religious revolution, the Pahlavi Royal Palace was converted into a museum 
Tehran (Tehran) MuseumAs the Iranian capital, Tehran has several national museums. Unfortunately, Iran for special opening hours for New Year, I missed two of them want to go to museums.
德黑蘭(Tehran):Niyavaran Palace
Tehran (Tehran): Niyavaran PalaceNiyavaran Palace is  dynasty, the last king, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi in ​​1979 before the overthrow of the Iranian revolution, the principal residence of the royal family members.
德黑蘭(Tehran):Golestan Palace(古列斯坦皇宮)
Tehran (Tehran): Golestan Palace (Guliesitan Imperial Palace)The Guliesitan Royal Palace (Golestan Palace is) the name means "Flower Palace", the existing building built by the 1848-1896 years of the monarch, in the Pahlavi dynasty (Pahlavi, 1925-1979), met with foreign guests. Visitors in addition to a walk in the garden inside and appreciate the appearance of the building, but also tickets to enter the part of the rooms to visit.
Tehran (Tehran): urban footprintsTehran is the largest city with a population of over 8 million, the most commonly described as "pandemonium" in addition to several palaces and museums, many visitors will not intentionally walking down the street, take the opportunity to stroll more than only during the round-trip attractions.

