2012年2月22日 星期三


That Wikipedia was originally conceived in Jimmy Wales andLarry Sangerand a computer programmer Ben Kovitz onJanuary 2, 2001 the first to propose a talk in California

USA.Kovitz was a wiki program collaboration with one of the developers (and still is), when he explained the wiki concept toSanger dinnerSanger immediately found the wiki encyclopediaplans to create a more open technologyPrior to this a few monthsSanger and his boss, Wales, Bomis, Inc.. President and CEO, discussed how to establish a more open, relaxed plan to help Nupedia's development.
Sanger immediately convince Wales in Nupediaa wikisoNupedia's first wiki line on January 10but in the the Nupediawriters encounter great resistanceThus, a new program named"Wikipedia" (Wikipedia) on January 15 was officially launched inwikipedia.com[Citation needed]
After three reports of the technology site Slashdot, Wikipediabegan to be more and more attention, in addition, Google will one day bring thousands of new trafficEnglish Wikipedia onFebruary 12, 2001 1,000 pages10,000 entries on September 7.In the first year of the programmore than 20,000 entries havebeen createdan average of 1,500 per monthAugust 30, 2002,has 40,000 entriesthe pace of growth from the beginning of theplan at a steady rate.

Followed by the internationalization of the Wikipediain May 200113 non-English Wikipedia version of the plan (includingArabicChinese [Note 1], Dutch, German, Esperanto, French, Shppe to language, ItalianJapanese, Portuguese, russian,Spanish and Swedish). To September, there are three language versions of Wikipedia large familyTo the end of the yeartheNorwegian and other three language versions also announced the establishment.

